#DEEPdt Range Finder Tool + Learning Progressions


In the #DEEPdt Co/Lab Challenge, our students are letting their Curiosities and Passions Drive Their Learning.  You can see more of the work HERE and HERE.  During the #NAISac Teachers in the Trenches session, the question was asked a few times about assessment.  I stated, "You are assessing all the time during design challenges." What I didn't say was I don't grade all the time, I rarely if ever do. But if you want a number, I'll give you a number or score a rubric. Below you will find a few Learning Progressions (which I learned how to write from collaborating with Jill Gough & Shelley Paul as we wrote Learning Progressions for design thinking) I used with my students who were plotting a course of action utilizing #DEEPdt's Range Finder Tool.  The students were given these before the start of their plotting to communicate a way for them to show me what they know as well as give them a visual of what was expected of them during this time in their Co/Labs.   As the students worked together, we took moments to gauge how they were collaborating and communicating with each other.  When it came to showing their plan for their Curiosity & Passion Drive Learning project, the use of the Range Finder alongside the Learning Progressions gave the students ownership and a tangible way to show their learning.

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DEEPdt Co/Lab Communication, Collaboration, Show Your Plan

Dive Deepmary cantwell