ShoutOut to #dtk12chat Wednesdays 9pm EST


Here is a quick shout out to #dtk12chat Wednesday nights, 9pm EST on twitter.   So what is this #dtk12chat? "#dtk12chat is a weekly conversation about design thinking in K12 education.  We will have a variety of moderators with a wide range and depth of design thinking experiences.  Each week, we will connect the dots to the design thinking methodology and how it can and will play a bigger role in today's K12 educational arena via a twitter chat.  The hashtag to bookmark is #DTK12chat. 

As you join in these conversations, we hope you will come to a understand that design thinking is a mindset that if practiced and utilized will open up the doors to possibility in your classroom, teaching, and learning for both you and your students. Design thinking is human-centered problem solving. One size does not fit all and design thinking is not a step by step blueprint that must be followed exactly to get it right. Instead, the modes and methods of design thinking can be adapted to meet the user's needs however for it to be considered design thinking you must have people and empathy.  
Join us Wednesdays, 9 PM EST. #DTK12chat " #dtk12chat


Since the start of #dtk12chat (July 17), the weekly conversations have become more enthusiastic, varied, tangent filled, and well intoxicating.  The #dtk12chat is blessed with a variety of moderators who are at different places, spaces, & depths in the world of design thinking. I believe this pool of moderators and our admitted strengths & uneasiness of this methodology called design thinking is what truly separates this chat from others.  Another aspect to this weekly conversation that attracts me  is the excitement and warm fuzzies the tweeters express towards each other.  As in design thinking, there is not a singular voice that rules the conversation during the #dtk12chat.  All voices are welcomed, heard, and accepted.
At this time (knowing we are still very much in the "honeymoon" phase of twitter chats), a hardeness in our voices does not seem to be present during the conversations.  And for this I am thankful. The d.School promotes Norms & Brainstorming Goals.  For me (and I would bet for all of the #dtk12chat Moderators) the below is what we want for #dtk12chat now and forever.  If #dtk12chat becomes other than what is below, let us know. And as practicing DThinkers, the Mods are currently doing an I Like, I Wish, What If exercise so as to refine, improve, stayed tuned in to our users (You, Me, and We), and iterating.  And we are also looking at ideas/suggestions by fellow #dtk12chat voice @GrantLichtman .
On Sept. 4, #dtk12chat will have a DT Slam convo All & Anything Design Thinking Related so before or even during the convo let us know your I Like, I Wish, What If statements.   Until then, warm fuzzies to you all and I'll see you on hashtag #dtk12chat (not just on Wednesdays either :)
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Dive Deepmary cantwell