The Mindsets of DEEP design thinking


The first time I ever heard about "mindsets" and/or utilizing them around something was when I was at Stanford University's d.School for the vey first time in July of 2011.  I remember sitting there as they showed their famous graphic and lightbulbs were going off inside my head. To be honest it took me a few years to really understand them all, especially "Bias Toward Action."  I feel I have that mindset down pack now :) Screen Shot 2015-05-29 at 3.33.33 PM

It was during the share of the d.School's mindsets did I learn about having Norms to set the stage. I immediately sent an email to Brett Jacobsen highlighting the Norms of the d.School as I had never heard of such a way setting expectations.

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Again, my mind was blown.  Setting Norms for teams, spaces, decisions, actions, etc seem like such a no brainer NOW, but then I had no idea their power or impact.  What I learned from this experience is that NORMS are meant to be fluid & varied based on the team and their current needs. It sets up a more trusted & safe space in the beginning of the work that lies ahead.

At the recent Atlanta K12 Design Challenge Spring Summit, Scott Sanchez shared an updated version of the Mindsets...oh and the additions could not be more wonderful. I really love the Words Matter, Iterate Everything, & Fish & Teach to Fish. 

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This version got me thinking about DEEP.  What are the mindsets around this methodology and approach to learning and doing? As DEEP design thinking is a human-centered approach to learning, creating, and being through empathy, what are the mindsets that can drive this process?

When I think of mindsets, I think of behaviors and methods that can be applied to and be mindful of during the process. Through the design, creation, and practice of DEEP design thinking, I have found myself leaning more and more into these mindsets. And I am growing confident in applying them to other aspects of my life and profession.  The power of design thinking to me is about creating an empathetic posture within ourselves and hopefully others.  I do feel that with a little more marinating, I might need to add a couple more mindsets to the board. For now, I will have comfort in not knowing what is missing or what comes next. 
